Industrial Paper Core Packaging Application
Have you known Industrial Paper Core packaging? if you have known it, it is better for you also to read this article as an additional information about this packaging product for you. This packaging is very easy and practical to use for various application in various industries and products. If you are ready to use this industrial paper core packaging to keep your industrial products stay safety, you can contact us as soon as possible.
Industrial paper core packaging is a packaging with a core shape, tube shape, or cylinder shape with a hole that can be made from strong heavy-duty thick cartoon / cardboard and soon depend on the main industrial product or featured product from any industry to support by this product.
Industrial Paper Core packaging is very important packaging to use in various industries of its daily activities, with a differ and certain function, usability and the usage with another packaging. It is very useful to support your daily company activities to smooth your company’s business, make easy to your packing and featured product in whole of production’s process, saving cost and give you a production’s efficiency and effectiveness.
Below is a several kinds of industrial paper core packaging application in various industries both as a main factor packaging or a support packaging that use industrial paper core to theirs main or featured industrial products for theirs such as :
- For Industrial Paper Application such as kraft paper, fine paper, pulp paper, news paper etc
- For corrugated board or container board application, cartoon paper, paper liner, corrugated paper
- For graphic paper application
- For Hygienic paper application
- For Technical Paper Application
- For Special Paper Application
- For Photographic Paper and Inkjet
- Application for various kinds of packaging companies such as cartoon box, Corrugated box, paper pallet etc
- Application for various industries of plastic film, metallized film, foil, technical film and flexible packaging
- Application of industrial products such as fabric, textiles, and non-woven
- Application for metal strips products
- Application for electrical packing tape, packing tape
- Application for industrial Special products such as packaging strips, Adhesive tape rings, packages, Drum Cable, Dough cores
- For several plastic packaging application, foam, decal etc
Specification of Industrial Paper Core Packaging
Industrial paper core packaging is made from two or more mix of paper material such as kraft paper, chip board, core board etc that all of this kinds of paper is produced from wood pulp.
The paper material used can be from a strong heavy-duty and tick cardboard or paper to applied in various industries which heavy product load that need a very strong industrial paper core packaging such as fabric product, paper, electrical and so on, whereas for a toilet paper, towel papers or any various light product, the industrial paper core packaging can be made from thinner, less durable cardboard or paper.
For various additional characteristic of industrial paper core packaging such as strength, water proof, heat resistant, industrial paper core packaging can be made with several combination with adhesive and lamination
This industrial paper core packaging can be produced with several sizes base on customer’s request. Our company, Edpack Karunia Persada produced this product with thickness minimum 1,2 mm and maximum 15 mm, Inner Diameter (ID) from minimum 20 mm and maximum 160 mm, and the length from minimum 130 mm and maximum 3500 mm. Our company always trying and develop to add another size to pursue our market request.
We, Edpack Karunia Persada produced industrial paper core packaging with a basic color of paper material white and brown, can be made with additional design inside or outside of the paper core or without any printing. Industrial Paper Core packaging in various industries is called with several name such as paper tube, tubing paper, cones, bobin, paper reels, cartoon pipe, cardboard pipe, corrugated paper tube and so on.
If you still never to use this very beneficial packaging product and ready to use for your industry, you are kindly requested to contact our company at soon. Our company prepare a consultation service and after sales service to all of our customers.
Our company have produced and supplied industrial paper core packaging with several sizes for various application used by various industries both for local and export purpose. We supply to several areas and doing a direct delivery to our factory areas and around. Whereas others areas we usually used a third company, expedition company both by land transportation, air and sea transportation.
Do not worry!, you can consult with us about paper core that suit to your company’s product. We guarantee the quality of our products.
White Kraft Paper Core
Paper Tube Cetak
White Kraft Paper Core
Function and Benefit of Industrial Paper Core Packaging
There are several function and benefits of industrial paper core packaging or paper tube packaging in various industries application. Such as the function and benefit from its technical product, saving process time, saving cost, as promotion and so on. This product is very easy and practical to use to ease your packing time process, keep your product stay safe and give you a production effectiveness and efficiency process.
This product function and benefits has made the usage of this product in various industries is increasing. For further information of function and benefits of this industrial paper core packaging you can see in the next article here ” Function and Benefit of Paper Core”
For a brief information about our company, you can see here. It is a right choice for you to become our partner to supply the hight quality paper core for your needs. We have experienced in this products producing and supplying. Contact us now or you can ask a price. Our company and team will welcoming you gladly.
Brown Paper Tube, cones, bobin, paper core
Paper Tube Kraft
Brown Paper Tube, cones, bobin, paper core -
Paper Tube
Brown Paper Tube, cones, bobin, paper core
Good Morning
I have an interest for cores, and would be grateful for your email details so I can send you my specification.
We will be buying the cores for my factory based Indonesia as part of a component for gift packaging.
Thanks so much and hope to hear back from you shortly.